Saturday, June 25, 2011


Mobile is the essential need of today generation .The use of multimedia in mobile is one of the  most important factor of it.there are different kind of mobile that can be found in market which  have different kind of multimedia in it .

                   Mobile Multimedia refers to the multimedia information exchange over wireless networks or wireless Internet. The popularity and evolution of mobile computing devices, together with fast, affordable mobile networks, have made it possible to increase the range and complexity of mobile multimedia applications and services provided to end-users of these kinds of equipments. In the core of this revolution is the astonishing growth in the number, types, novelty, and complexity of mobile multimedia applications and services. 

The Journal of Mobile Multimedia (JMM) aims to provide a forum for the discussion and exchange of ideas and information by researchers, students, and professionals on the issues and challenges brought by the emerging multimedia technologies for mobile multimedia applications and services, and the control and management of such networks to support multimedia applications

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